Ah, life

There is an immense landscape of thought of ethics in which wo/mankind moves. I am an explorer of that land and this is my journal. Blessings

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Well hello

Long time no see. That's what working full-time plus parenting full-time plus going to University does to you.
Haven't been out with M for a long time. We do run into each other ocassionally but nothing much has happenned on that front. Might give him a call. Got a couple other hopefuls on the horizon, more will be revealed.
Life has been hectic. Domicilliary nursing takes up most of my time closely followed by Uni. Me and the kids get the scraps of me that are left.
Two assignments cooking at the moment. Surrounded by books, a pile of washing waiting to be done, another waiting to be hung. At least the dog's had a bath - mind you I had to pay someone to do it. No time. Money I have though. Me and every other single parent has been lucky to score a grand each courtesy the federal government. Must be an election coming up! And aren't my Indigenous brothers and sisters lucky! They've scored a whole $500million. But what about the $400million you stole off them Johnny in 1996? And how about how you've ignored the findings of "The Children Are Sacred" report, "Breaking the Silence" report and the "Gordon" report? Yeah just send in the army, might as well take away the absolute last of any dignity. Shame on you Johnny.

Friday, May 12, 2006


We've been out a few times now and there's definitely some sparks going off. I find myself thinking about him alot. And thinking about what I'd like to do with him. Those hairs peeking out of his shirt keep calling out to me. Mmm how I'd like to run my hand over that chest. But I'm uncertain. Something not quite clicking there. He seems a little judgemental of others and it's not something I like in people. Or is it me being judgemental? It's been a long time since I've been with a man and I need to be sure. I'm scared.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

looking good

It's been a long hard slog bringing up two kids on my own and I've done a bloody good job. I'm very proud of my children. They're good kids with kind hearts. But it's been a lonely road.

I've known a man for a couple of years who I've been very attracted to. Because of circumstances I've kept those feelings to myself, my kids have been my priority. Thy're getting older now, 11 and 16 and so I deserve a little time out.

Just my luck one night a month ago I went out to a little town dance and the object of my attraction (M) was there too. I thought to myself it's now or never. Summoning up all my confidence (or was it the booze?) I grabbed him for a dance. Man this guy can dance and you know what they say about good dancers. And the music was some of the best on offer - Barry Charles and company - smooth and sassy. I did a bit of a Cinderella thing and split before too late, snatched a kiss goodnight and home I drove.

Tried not to think too much about it and waited for a sign. Waiting, waiting, will I phone or will I wait? Waiting. Two weeks waiting and wondering and M pulls up in my driveway. Very casual like mind you. Hey he says he had a really fun night the other night and we should go out sometime. Yes! Looking good!

Sunday, August 14, 2005


Analyse Mother Teresa's DNA and that of a mass killer. What makes them different is not noticable, at this level they would have approximately 99% commonality.
Their differences can only be measured through the effects of their actions. One acts with Love. The other is driven by anger, hatred and fear.
I read about a boy who was well educated, loved, middle class but who killed his girlfriend and it was found had tied a dog to a tree and stoned it to death. That's pretty nasty. Yet this same boy was widely known in his small town to be well liked, courteous, thoughtful. A boy almost like any other. Almost. Outward appearances don't always reflect what might be missing within a human heart. What is missing is tolerance.
Tolerance is not just a good idea, it is a highly dynamic virtue.
The practice of tolerance is based on love - for oneself, for others, and for the whole universe. When we actively remember that not only do we ourselves have such an 'immortal centre', but so does every other human being - it softens how we think about tolerance. When we see within others a core of love that is common to our own inner core then the true secret and beauty of that person's soul is revealed to us.
Intolerance is symptomatic of fear, ignorance, bitterness. It can also express fear, envy and rage that someone has what you do not. If tolerance towards others is going to exist it must be based on the conscious cultivation of tolerance towards yourself to begin with, then towards others and equally. To the Universe we must also be tolerant because afterall, do we know the big picture?
Tolerance allows you to develop a frame of mind that forgives yourself and others that speaks to fear in the language of love. To love fear has no answer.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Pics of Julie

Pictures of Julie. On the back steps at the old house looking very tired and holding up a palm tree at Noosa River.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Success for Kuwaiti Suffrage

After 20 years of struggle for the right to political participation, Kuwaiti women have finally been granted the right to vote and stand for election. On May 16 by a vote of 35-23, with one abstention, the Kuwaiti Parliament amended the election law to allow Kuwait women to vote and run for office in local and parliamentary elections. Members of the Parliament opposed to granting women suffrage had often cited religious and social reasons for their opposition. This fundamentalist faction succeeded in including a requirement in the new law that specifically calls for women political candidates to abide by Islamic Law. The implications of such a requiremnet is not yet clear.

Congratulations are in order to the women of Kuwait. Cheers girls.

Monday, June 20, 2005

One of my favourite paintings. Van Gogh. Posted by Hello

Happy day at Noosa Beach Posted by Hello

Beach cricket Posted by Hello